Monday, 30 June 2014

Final 30...#Thankful

So its the last day of my ''30 days of thanksgiving'' challenge and I am thankful to God for giving me the strength and drive to do this because it has had an amazing effect on my outlook and approach to life. I feel so blessed and it has also shown me that concentrating on the things I have rather than the things I don't have has not only made me appreciate life more but in the end, I realise that I actually do have all I need and as a result, God keeps blessing me. Not too sure if you get that but the above quote from Oprah Winfrey says it all. Thankful.


Sunday, 29 June 2014

Day 29...#Thankful

I am thankful for all those who said ''NO''...thankful for all the times I was turned down...thankful for all the times people never believed in me for one reason or the other because that way, I was able to believe in myself, I was stronger and eventually, I was able to do it myself. I have learned that sometimes, tough love is the best love. Thankful.


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Day 28...#Thankful

Just realised that in 2 days, it will be the end of the first half of am thankful for this first half. God has been faithful. He has kept me through January, February, March, April, May and June!!! So many died along the way and they never got the chance to experience this first half of 2014 and for this again, I am very thankful. It is not by my own doing or my own strength but by His special Grace. I pray the 2nd half of 2014 brings on bigger, newer and better things. Thankful.


Friday, 27 June 2014

Day 27...#Thankful

I am thankful to God for the different opportunities He has given me; both past and present, in my life, career, finances, relationships etc. I also thank Him in advance for the ones He will give me. He is truly a merciful God and I know He will keep creating opportunities and opening doors for me. God will make a way when/where there seems to be no way and He walks in ways we cannot see. Thankful.


Thursday, 26 June 2014

Day 26...#Thankful

So I've got four days left until the end of my ''30 days of thanksgiving'' exercise. To be honest, didn't think I could do it or that I would actually remember to post every morning, wow! Anyway here's to day 26...I am thankful for peace and contentment. According to my Bible, God has blessed me with His peace which passes all understanding and because of this, I am truly content and satisfied in Christ Jesus. I have also learned not to EVER compare myself with anyone because we are all different and God chooses who He wants to bless and how He wants to bless, for ''when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding''-2 Corinthians 10:12. Thankful.


Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Day 25...#Thankful

I am thankful for growth in every aspect of my life. I may not be where I want to be right now but I know for a fact that I am not where I was yesterday. Thankful for purpose and growth and most importantly, growth in Christ. God will take us higher and higher as long as we live according to His Will for our lives. Thankful.


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Day 24...#Thankful

I am thankful for hope. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a better life, hope for a better future. Hope means ''to expect with confidence'' and ''to cherish a desire with anticipation'' according to Wikipedia. God's hope reigns supreme and it gives me the strength to want to carry on because I know I already have a better tomorrow. Thank You Lord for this gift. Thankful. 


Monday, 23 June 2014

Day 23...#Thankful

I am thankful for my Sister-in-law who is more like a Sister to me really, its her BIRTHDAY today! We have come a long way, had the usual ups and downs but only ended up coming out stronger. I am glad we get along fine now and I thank God for her life and I know she will make my Brother a very happy man. And oh did I forget to mention she always spoils me silly?! Love her to bits. Here's to many more happy years and happy birthday dearest Sister! Thankful.


Sunday, 22 June 2014

Day 22...#Thankful

Okay here goes...I am thankful for my Boss. She is also like a mentor and someone I definitely look up to and believe me when I say there are very FEW people I look up to, like very FEW! Her drive, motivation and success are simply amazing and I love that she never quits until she gets what she wants. She is a go-getter to the core! yes the work does get crazy every now and then and sometimes I just want to scream because she is a no-nonsense person but this is just the right start and foundation for me. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind being like her when I grow up. lol. Thankful for her leadership and mentoring. Thankful.


Saturday, 21 June 2014

Day 21...#Thankful

I am thankful for the weekends. Okay so as I was driving in traffic last night (these days I do nothing less than 3 hours in traffic every evening...crazy!), I kept thinking Lord what if I have to do this again tomorrow? What if it wasn't a weekend tomorrow? I was just so physically exhausted and couldn't imagine going through that very moment again the next day ugh! So I am so very thankful for the weekend, God created Saturdays and Sundays for a reason, for rest! I know some people do it but imagine if I had to do the whole traffic thing non-stop monday to sunday...Thank goodness! Thankful.


Friday, 20 June 2014

Day 20...#Thankful

I am thankful for the Holy Bible. It has all the answers to all of life's problems and I mean ALL of life's problems. God speaks to us through His Word and I am thankful that I have this amazing life guide to guide me each and every step of the way. The Word of God is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Thankful.


Thursday, 19 June 2014

Day 19...#Thankful

I am thankful for waterrrrrrrrr! I should have done this right after my ''thankful for food'' post I guess. So here goes, imagine if God takes all the water away? I think that would even be worse than having all our food taken away. hmmm. I cannot even imagine a world without water. So for this, Dear Lord, I am thankful.


Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Day 18...#Thankful

I am thankful for wisdom and understanding. I am thankful that God has given me the wisdom and understanding to live my life and be able to tell right from wrong. I know I am not perfect and its all by His Grace. I am also thankful for the divine wisdom and understanding that He has given me to live through each day; in my job, my family, my home, among my friends, colleagues etc. Thankful.


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Day 17...#Thankful

Not in the best of moods today but hey here goes my Day 17 and hoping it would have an effect on my mood today. So therefore, I am thankful for the Joy of the Lord because I know the Joy of the Lord is my strength. The Bible also says to count it all joy when certain trials take over. Without the Joy of the Lord, I wonder where I will be today; it has always helped when I needed it. I pray that this will continue to be my portion In Jesus Name. Amen. Thankful.


Monday, 16 June 2014

Day 16...#Thankful

I am thankful for FOOD! Just imagine if God decided to take away all the food in the world? YES we would all drop dead after a few days! So I am thankful to God for being a provider and for giving me food on a regular basis. Believe it or not, some people don't even know where their next meal will come from. Sad. Thank you Father for giving me choice and for giving me the opportunity to eat food whenever I feel like. Thankful.


Sunday, 15 June 2014

Day 15...#Thankful

I am thankful for the President of my Country; Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Yes people say he is a bit slow and sorta like a zombie or dummy or whatever BUT the Bible says we should pray for our leaders and always respect them so I want to dedicate my day 15 to him, and I pray God gives him the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to run this country properly. It could be much worse and so therefore, I am thankful.


Saturday, 14 June 2014

Day 14...#Thankful

I am thankful for my body. God has blessed me with a body that works perfectly okay. I can walk, I can talk, I can breathe, I can feel, I can hear, I can smell, I can see and the list is endless. Some people are not this fortunate, so WOW thank you God! I will continue to embrace all my "curves and edges" and never forget the fact that I have been created in the image and likeness of God. There will be no more complaining abouth this body from this day forth.Thankful.


Friday, 13 June 2014

Day 13...#Thankful

I am thankful for my good values and beliefs. Okay its Friday the 13th and we all know how some people believe that there's something 'spooky' about every Friday the 13th...but hey, to hell with all that superstitious crap! To me, this day is just like any other day and most importantly, I am a Child of God and covered in His Blood. I am thankful for my Parents bringing me up the way they did. I know girls and maybe even some ''acquaintances'' of mine who really have no values or should I say, they see ''bad behaviour'' as normal and truly cannot differentiate between right and wrong. I do not really know how best to explain this but I hope y'all get my drift. I have been brought up to understand and appreciate the value of money, respect and people generally. I am thankful for this belief system and the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong. For me, its a gift. Thankful.


Thursday, 12 June 2014

Day 12...#Thankful

I am thankful for my past mistakes. I have learned that mistakes are actually an important part of life and are the stepping stones to learning. I have made quite a few in my life time and I know for a fact that I have grown through what I have gone through. Without these mistakes, I wouldn't be who I am today. Thankful.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Day 11...#Thankful

I am thankful for this heart God has given me. I have met some pretty mean and wicked people in this life and I know for a fact that I am not in any way like that. Despite being taken for granted over and over again, this heart of mine still keeps giving and giving and giving some more. As much as I can, I try to put myself in the other person's shoes and when I see how hard some people have it in life, my heart totally breaks. I am thankful for the ability to even still feel this way despite the many hurts and pain. I have never stopped giving to those in need. I pray God gives me the grace to continue. Thankful.


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Day 10...#Thankful

I am thankful for the Grace of God; God's Riches At Christ's Expense. I am thankful for this unmerited and undeserved divine favour in my life. I know I don't deserve it but He has chosen to bless me beyond and over what I could ever think or imagine. Again, God truly is merciful and I pray His mercy continues to find me each and every day of my life. Thankful


Monday, 9 June 2014

Day 9...#Thankful

I am thankful for Church and the religious leaders. Sometimes, and more recently, I have found that the days I feel down and out and I go to church, I really do feel better after. Its a place where I can reflect and just cry out to God for help. It's a place where I can focus, meditate and pray. It's a place where I can feel inner peace once again and really be my self with Him; God. It is also a place of hope for me because I hear The Word and I feel stronger and re-assured once again. God is truly merciful. Thankful.


Sunday, 8 June 2014


I am thankful for the gift of love. I see it all around me. My "soul mate'' may not have found me yet but I know God is preparing someone special in advance and for this, I thank Him in advance. I know real and genuine love exists but I also know that when the devil tries to trick you, he sends you a counterfeit. Thankful for wisdom, insight and patience. Thankful.


Saturday, 7 June 2014

Day 7...#Thankful

I am thankful for my frenemies. Just in case you are wondering what that is, a frenemy is "a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" that can refer to either an enemy pretending to be a friend or someone who really is a rival." Okay I think I can relate to the latter more anyway as I do not believe in having too many friends around. I have learned sooooo many lessons from such people and for this, I am actually thankful. I've had a close friend cheat with my man behind my back, I've had another kiss my man behind my back and the list goes on and on and on lol. I have learned that there are some friends you absolutely should not introduce your man to and there are also others you should never share your deepest fears with because such friends are actually rivals when you dig deep down. These are important life lessons and I am thankful for them because they have made me a smarter, better and  well rounded individual.


Friday, 6 June 2014

Day 6...#Thankful

I am thankful for my Country Nigeria, yes she is far from perfect with all the corruption, fighting, unrest and all but I want to thank God in advance because I know this is just a stepping stone to peace and stability. We do not have natural disasters e.g tornadoes, hurricanes etc. Some Countries experience this on a regular. Nigeria is blessed with good weather and a wide range of natural resources and for this, I am thankful. God please continue to bless my Nation and I also pray for a divine intervention. God bless Nigeria. Home sweet home. 


Thursday, 5 June 2014

Day 5...#Thankful

I am thankful for my job and my career. God has blessed me beyond and over what I expected and could ever imagine. I may not be making the millions just yet but I know He is faithful and for this I will forever remain grateful. In a country where unemployment is at an all time high and graduates have been sitting down at home for many years ( I know someone who has been jobless for 5 years...), I cannot afford not to be grateful. Thankful.


Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Day 4...#Thankful

This year in particular, I am thankful for good health. I have had a lot of health challenges in the past year but with God on my side, I have conquered all by His Grace. I have also learned not to focus too much on what the earthly Doctors say because Jesus is the Ultimate healer;Jehovah Rapha and by His stripes, I am healed. I will always be thankful for good health.


Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Day 3...#Thankful

I am thankful for my close friends and relatives (and especially Bukks who's forcing me to do this 30-day thingy, lol). But regardless, real friendships are rare and hard to come by. I've had my own fair share of horrible friendships where these friends just constantly drain you and just keep taking, taking and taking without giving back. I am now a firm believer in quality over quantity anytime and any day which is why I have just a handful of my close and trusted peeps. I promise never to take them for granted and to be there for them just as they have been for me. God please continue to bless them for me. No man is an island.


Monday, 2 June 2014

Day 2...#Thankful

I am thankful for my Father, my Mother, my Brothers and my one and only Sister. Yes granted, they may annoy me every now and then but I know God chose them for me for a reason and one must never take the love of Family for granted. Some people have lost their entire Family in accidents, plane crashes and even to serious illnesses. We may not be perfect, we have our flaws but the love of a Family is truly one of life's greatest blessings. God bless them for me.


Sunday, 1 June 2014

30 days of Thanksgiving...Day 1...

I am thankful for the gift of life. Some people slept last night and never got the opportunity to see today. God I am sorry for taking the 'usual' things for granted and promise to serve You and You alone and also to live my life to the fullest according to Your Plans and Will for me. The gift of life is truly precious.
