Friday, 13 June 2014

Day 13...#Thankful

I am thankful for my good values and beliefs. Okay its Friday the 13th and we all know how some people believe that there's something 'spooky' about every Friday the 13th...but hey, to hell with all that superstitious crap! To me, this day is just like any other day and most importantly, I am a Child of God and covered in His Blood. I am thankful for my Parents bringing me up the way they did. I know girls and maybe even some ''acquaintances'' of mine who really have no values or should I say, they see ''bad behaviour'' as normal and truly cannot differentiate between right and wrong. I do not really know how best to explain this but I hope y'all get my drift. I have been brought up to understand and appreciate the value of money, respect and people generally. I am thankful for this belief system and the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong. For me, its a gift. Thankful.


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