Friday, 31 January 2014
Oprah Turns 60!, read her beautiful message...
Sixty. I’m turning 60 this month! I’m so glad I’ve lived long enough to say those words and celebrate their meaning.
I’m turning 60. I’m alive. Healthy. Strong.
I’m turning 60, and—please don’t take offense—I no longer have to be concerned about what anyone thinks of me! (You know, the old Am I doing it right? Am I saying it right? Am I being what or who I’m “supposed” to be?) I’m turning 60, and I’ve earned the right to be just as I am. I’m more secure in being myself than I’ve ever been.
I have reached the moment Derek Walcott describes in his beautiful poem “Love After Love”: “…with elation / you will greet yourself arriving / at your own door, in your own mirror / and each will smile at the other’s welcome.”
I am in awe of the way my journey here on earth continues to unfold. My life has been marked by miracles for as long as I can recall—and even before. (My entire existence is the result of a onetime frolic under an oak tree.) My early days speaking in a Mississippi Methodist church—Baptist leanings, shoutin’, and Holy Ghost included—prepared me for a future of speaking in a public arena I could never have imagined.
And now, at 60, I simply want to share what I’ve been given. I want to continue to encourage as many people as I can to open their hearts to life, because if I know anything for sure, it’s that opening my own heart is what has brought me my greatest success and joy.
My highest achievement: never shutting my heart down. Even in my darkest moments—through sexual abuse, a pregnancy at 14, lies and betrayals—I remained faithful, hopeful, and open to seeing the best in people, regardless of whether they were showing me their worst. I stayed open to believing that no matter how hard the climb, there is always a way to let in a sliver of light to illuminate the path forward.
We go through life discovering the truth about who we are and determining who has earned the right to share the personal space within our heart.
This I also know for sure: God—however you define or refer to Him, Her, or It—is for us. The forces of nature are for us, offering us life in abundance. We humans narrow what is an open field of wonder and majesty to the myopic reality of our day-to-day experiences. But there is extraordinary in the ordinary. Every day and every breath is magic—if we can only see it for what it is.
Some days the awareness of the sanctity and sacredness of life brings me to my knees with gratitude. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that the little girl from Mississippi who grew up holding her nose in an outhouse now flies on her own plane—my own plane!—to Africa to help girls who grew up like her. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!
I approach this milestone, the landmark of 60, with humility, supreme thanksgiving, and joy. Knowing for sure grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.
I just love her!!!
Happy 60th Birthday Oprah!
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Pictures of King Beyonce and more at Michelle Obama's 50th Birthday!
Y'all should know by now that I'm an unrepentant Bey fan...Go Beyhive yup yup!lol
So, Michelle Obama turned 50 recently and had a huge dinner thingy over at the white house. Here are a few pictures taken before the event...
Beyoncé's looking absolutely gorge! Blue Ivy is extra extra adorable too...
So, Michelle Obama turned 50 recently and had a huge dinner thingy over at the white house. Here are a few pictures taken before the event...
Beyoncé's looking absolutely gorge! Blue Ivy is extra extra adorable too...
Nigerian Idol Season 4 Begins!!!
If you're in Nigeria then you don't want to miss this. Nigerian Idol Season 4 has officially kicked off!
Trust me, where you want to be this Saturday is the Excalibur Hotel in Benin City!
So, what are you waiting for? Go showcase your talent!
Register at
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Gabourey Sidibe's message to all the haters out there...
Gabourey Sidibe received a lot of mean and harsh comments on how she looked during the just concluded Golden Globe Awards. Honestly, after seeing this picture, I feel like she has gained a bit of weight or is it just me? Still, that's no reason for people to talk smack!
I absolutely love her response to the haters, don't you? LOL
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Pictures; Happy Birthday Blue Ivy Carter!
Blue Ivy turned 2 recently and Beyoncé shared her birthday pictures, soooooooooooooooooooooo adorable...''sigh''
cant believe she's 2 already...
Monday, 13 January 2014
Picture of the day...and a few words...
Hi guys, hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Well, mine was a bit quiet but also eventful, yup a bit of both!
Anyway, as you all know, I am a big Heather Lindsey fan and so I thought to share this picture I came across on her facebook page earlier today.
To anyone feeling discouraged right about now, just know that God has a purpose for you and you may not understand it yet and His answer for the time being may be 'no' but just know that it is for a reason and in due God's time, He will certainly make all things beautiful. Faith.
Friday, 10 January 2014
Whitney Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina marries her 'brother'!
The Couple got engaged back in 2012. Nick Gordon was adopted by Whitney Houston and he lived with her and Bobbi Kristina for a very long time. Some people seem to think its inappropriate and that she has somehow married her brother but I find that absolutely ridiculous.
In my own opinion, they have done no wrong because they are not related in any way and it is therefore not a case of incest. But hey, people would always have something to say right?
On a lighter note, there are rocks and there are ROCKS! Check out the bling, loving it?
I wish them all the best.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
South African Pastor makes his congregation eat grass!
Just got into 2014 and strange things are already happening. I think this is just the height reallý; a 'Pastor' who steps on his congregation and makes them eat grass in order to prove that they can be controlled by the Spirit of God? really? *I have no words*. See pictures below...
His name is Pastor Lesego Daniel and he is the General Overseer of the Rabboni Centre Ministeries in Pretoria, South Africa.
Honestly when I first read about this story, one Bible verse immediately popped up in my head;
His name is Pastor Lesego Daniel and he is the General Overseer of the Rabboni Centre Ministeries in Pretoria, South Africa.
Honestly when I first read about this story, one Bible verse immediately popped up in my head;
''Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.''- 1 John 4:1
Okay now dont get me wrong please, I am not saying he is a false prophet (who am I to judge?) but all I am trying to say is that we all must be very careful. These are certainly the end times and strange and unusual things will happen all in the name of religion. We must always, always test the spirits to ascertain if they are of God or not. So many people these days have been brainwashed all in the name of relgion; they now worship their Pastors and see them as some sort of God. God is in/with everyone of us y'all. The Bible says in Matthew 18:20 that ''For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them''. Yes, it actually really is that simple.
Like I said, with regards to those three pictures above?, I have no words. I am utterly discombobulated.
God give us wisdom and bless us all.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Ciara puts bloggers on blast!, asking ''what is social media coming to?''

''I used to sometimes like visiting some of the blog sites to see what new things are happening in the world! Things like cool photos, current events, etc. But nowadays it seems like there's a competition with sites on "Who Can Tear Someone Down the Most." The stories are going from cool and creative to pure drama. Even the comment sections are beginning to get out of control and people are using the platforms to exercise a false sense of power.
People sure do have a lot of courage when they are anonymous. It's like a "Who Can Say the Nastiest Comment Game." I click onto some of the comments from something as fun as an Instagram post that you're sharing with your fans, and a person finds a way to turn a positive post into a negative. I think to myself, "I could pick this person apart so bad but what for? Why act ugly like them?" It honestly takes the fun out of it when people seem so miserable.
Or at least that's how I view someone wasting their energy to tear someone down, just plain miserable. They could be using that to do something much more productive. If only they could channel their energy towards positivity, it could make a difference in their own life as well as influence others. It's kind of scary for the kids coming up, because even if a parent doesn't allow their kids to have blog site access at home, they may still have access at school or other places. It's now almost impossible to protect your kids from the vile things people say on blog sites today, and it's even worse when kids hear hurtful things about themselves, their parents or other family members. In some cases kids have even resorted to suicide due to "cyber-bullying."
My questions to people creating slander about people are:
What stops you from thinking twice about trying to defame someone? What are you trying to gain?
Words are powerful. You could say the wrong thing about someone, famous or not, on the wrong day and that could cost them their life because they're at a weak point. Believe it it or not, you could also be encouraging them to give up on their life or whatever the situation is, when they shouldn't. Or what about a story that causes unnecessary drama stemming from completely false information? It's just flat out wrong and sad. I say to myself, I thank God for making me strong, because I've always been able to use the negativity as motivation, and it makes me stronger.
But I don't just think about myself in this, I think about others that I see getting thrashed and think it's just so wrong. It's very sad that people just want to tear people down so bad just to see them unhappy. It's unbelievable how far people are willing to go to get people to come to their site.
I say this to say....
Dear Blogger, It's never worth it in the end when you sell your soul for a quick dollar, by creating bad stories about people. At some point, it will all reverse on you and you'll end up regretting all the trash you wrote or said about people.
The universal friend "Karma" has demonstrated this over and over again. I strongly encourage you to project more positivity into
the universe. If Social Media is a world that's growing more massive by the day, why not use it to shed light?? Otherwise, you are merely contaminating our universe.
What about your family and kids?? Do you think about them?? You're definitely creating a harmful and volatile environment where they must learn to live. It's almost like you are cursing future generations with your bad energy.
Not to mention...Your "Personal Karma"??... Forget about it!
You better start doing some serious praying and rebuking, cause only The Lord knows!...:)
I sure do miss the good ol days when the focus was about the pure creativity of being an artist. Back then there was still some mystery. Social Media Is Beginning To Take Away The Specialness of What That Was, and Is.
Now, Off Blogs. Peaceful Mind. Living In My Happiness. Creativity Only.
Love, C''
And I absolutely agree with her. There's so much hate and spite on the internet these days. Why cant we all just get along? Not everyone is strong and not everyone has the ability to develop thick skin when such things occur. I hope this changes soon. Real soon.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Picture of the day and a few words...#BooCheck
Came across this picture on Heather Lindsey's facebook page. The above words don't surprise me very much. I remember many years back when I was watching the Oprah Winfrey talk show and heard this quote ''when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time'' and ever since then, the quote just always stayed with me.
Powerful words indeed. First impressions count the most as far as I am concerned. When someone shows you their true colours, believe them the first time, not the second and certainly not the third. Unfair much? Well I think not. I believe its just much safer to do so.
Especially when it comes to marriages and relationships, I have never really understood why people settle for the 'potential' in someone. Things may not always go as planned and what if that potential you were hoping and believing in, for some reason, is never realised, what then would you do? would you just up and leave and call it quits?
So like Heather, I agree that before one settles and takes that plunge, one must be willing to be with their partner just as they are, at that very moment. All you have to do is just ask yourself...'can I live with this person, their flaws and all, forever?'.
Friday, 3 January 2014
Bey stans go in on Chilli for dissing King Beyonce...LOL
Okay so twitter was literally buzzing the other day because of a tweet from Chilli (TLC). See tweet below;
Okay she claims it was an innocent tweet and that it wasn't meant to attack Beyoncé. But the BeyHive wasn't having any of that, they went in on Chilli big time. Lol. Sorry I just find it really hilarious, see some of my favourite tweets below;
hahahahahaha @BaddieWill's tweet. But seriously though, Beyoncé's fans are something else, its almost as if they see her as a 'god', its ridiculous. But I'm mad at Chilli though for coming after my girl like that. I am a huge Beyoncé fan too, hehe...
yeh yeh yeh she says she didn't mean it in a bad way but she basically had Beyoncé's name in that tweet and she was basically telling people not to say her name or refer to her (Beyoncé) in anyway and she claims she wasn't hating? Child purleazzz...!
Chilli was forced to delete the tweet later by the way, I guess she just couldn't handle the heat from Bey's fans. Next time, she would think twice before she tries to shade King Bey. I think she had it coming anyway, so yes Chilli, You.Will.Bow.Down.!
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