Friday, 3 January 2014

Bey stans go in on Chilli for dissing King Beyonce...LOL

Okay so twitter was literally buzzing the other day because of a tweet from Chilli (TLC). See tweet below;

Okay she claims it was an innocent tweet and that it wasn't meant to attack Beyoncé. But the BeyHive wasn't having any of that, they went in on Chilli big time. Lol. Sorry I just find it really hilarious, see some of my favourite tweets below;


hahahahahaha @BaddieWill's tweet. But seriously though, Beyoncé's fans are something else, its almost as if they see her as a 'god', its ridiculous. But I'm mad at Chilli though for coming after my girl like that. I am a huge Beyoncé fan too, hehe...

yeh yeh yeh she says she didn't mean it in a bad way but she basically had Beyoncé's name in that tweet and she was basically telling people not to say her name or refer to her (Beyoncé) in anyway and she claims she wasn't hating? Child purleazzz...!

Chilli was forced to delete the tweet later by the way, I guess she just couldn't handle the heat from Bey's fans.  Next time, she would think twice before she tries to shade King Bey. I think she had it coming anyway, so yes Chilli, You.Will.Bow.Down.!


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