Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Picture of the day...12 steps...2014 Countdown!
2013 is just a few hours away from being completely over for good. I bet we all have some changes we would like to put in place for the new year. I know 2014 promises to be an amazing year for us all. God willing.
So in anticipation of the new year, I thought to share this picture I came across on my facebook page. It talks about 12 steps and I have thought it over and I think these are steps that could guide each and everyone of us in living fulfilled lives in 2014.
In summary, always trust your instincts. Let your yes be yes and your no be no (biblical). Don't try to please people to your own detriment. Be positive about yourself and your outlook on life. Always pursue your dreams and never give up. Accept the things you cannot change and let go of all the negative influences and unnecessary drama. Love and forgive everyone.
So people, that's about it really. I am thankful for this past year. Thinking back, I still remember two posts I put up exactly a year ago and you can read about them here. I have definitely come a long way; a stronger and better individual. Forever grateful to God for His deliverance and His love.
Wishing you guys a prosperous 2014!
Friday, 27 December 2013
Kim Kardashian's Christmas pressie...you like?
Kim K's been showing off her Christmas present from Kanye. I logged onto my Instagram earlier today and saw her post. Its a regular Birkin bag but Kanye went the extra mile and got the famous Artist George Condo to hand paint some nude pictures on it. So what do you think? Creative or not quite?
The paintings are a bit awkward though in my opinion, but hey what do I know? Its the thought that counts and I honestly think Kanye is head-over-heels in love with this woman. Sweet.
The paintings are a bit awkward though in my opinion, but hey what do I know? Its the thought that counts and I honestly think Kanye is head-over-heels in love with this woman. Sweet.
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
My Favourite Celebrity Christmas Cards!
Its Christmas and celebrities (and the 'not so celebrities') have come out with official family Christmas cards. Sadly, this year, the Kardashians really disappointed me this time around. I have always loved their Christmas cards but for some reason, they went all weird and stuff this year, just not my thing. Feel free to google it up! So in no particular order, see below...
1. The Combs
2. The Bryants
4. The Agwus
5. Big Sean and his Fiance, Naya Rivera
Diddy and his family are just extra cool, maybe its the 'all black everything' theme they've got going on but its hot! Kobe and Vanessa deliver every damn time!; they didn't fail to disappoint last year either; always classy and fabulous! Joseph and Adaeze Yobo are just absolutely adorable and I just love the brightness and the freshness. The Agwus too, absolutely adorable and their baby Zadok, *sigh*, cuteness! Last but not the least are Big Sean and his fiancé...one word...swag!
1. The Combs

2. The Bryants
3. The Yobos
4. The Agwus
5. Big Sean and his Fiance, Naya Rivera
Diddy and his family are just extra cool, maybe its the 'all black everything' theme they've got going on but its hot! Kobe and Vanessa deliver every damn time!; they didn't fail to disappoint last year either; always classy and fabulous! Joseph and Adaeze Yobo are just absolutely adorable and I just love the brightness and the freshness. The Agwus too, absolutely adorable and their baby Zadok, *sigh*, cuteness! Last but not the least are Big Sean and his fiancé...one word...swag!
In the Spirit of Christmas...Joke of the Day!
Hi guys, so it's Christmas Eve and I bet a lot of you have plans and all, well as for me, I am not really in the 'Christmassy' mood as I received some pretty awful news quite early yesterday morning. Lost a very dear and kind Uncle of mine and I honestly still refuse to believe he's gone. God knows best. RIP Uncle S. and may your sweet and gentle soul continue to rest in peace.
Wishing you all a fabulous Christmas ahead and a prosperous new year too.
Stay safe and please let us not forget the real reason for the season...Jesus Christ.
Monday, 23 December 2013
See Angela Simmons in Nigeria!
I did a post some days ago about Angela Simmons visiting Nigeria. So here are a few pictures of her in African inspired outfits!
Cute huh? Loving all of them but my favourite's still the first; the yellow...tres gorge!
Cute huh? Loving all of them but my favourite's still the first; the yellow...tres gorge!
Ignorance, HIV, Racism, Social Media and other things...
This was major news over the weekend. Justine Sacco, an employee of the popular media company IAC tweeted the above while she was on her way to South Africa. Although Justine has since been sacked and forced to tender a public apology, many people are seriously outraged and shocked at her level of ignorance. Twitter absolutely went viral with the hashtag #HasJustineLandedYet
I mean, this was someone who held the position of Director of Corporate Communications and working in PR so I cant help but ask this question; shouldn't she have known better? What sort of expensive ''joke'' was that? Isn't she educated?
This is a good example of how one tweet could actually change your life. At first I did feel bad for her and all but then thanks to the power of social media, her old tweets were actually dug up and see a few of them below;
I had a sex dream about an autistic kid last night. #fml
— Justine Sacco (@JustineSacco) February 24, 2012
I can’t be fired for things I say while intoxicated right?
— Justine Sacco (@JustineSacco) January 30, 2013
Maybe what I really am, Is wanting AIDS #GIRLS
— Justine Sacco (@JustineSacco) April 23, 2012
I don’t understand why this ugly chick from England has become such an inspiration.
— Justine Sacco (@JustineSacco) April 18, 2009
As I sit and eat a bagel with lox, i would like to send love to my jews who are all starving themselves right now. #hungryhungryhebrews
— Justine Sacco (@JustineSacco) October 8, 2011
“Weird German Dude: You’re in first class. It’s 2014. Get some deodorant.” -Inner monologue as I inhale BO. Thank god for pharmaceuticals.
— Justine Sacco (@JustineSacco) December 20, 2013
Now is it okay for me to think that perhaps this woman might actually be somewhat mentally retarded? C'mon a PR Executive for that matter? Well I hear that her Father is a popular South African Billionaire so maybe she's just an extremely spoilt brat. But is that ever an excuse really?
What have I learned from all of this? Well I have learned that you could very well be educated but still remain completely ignorant. As Martin Luther King once said; ''Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity''. And it looks like, that for Justine, her ignorance, no matter how sincere, has truly turned out to be dangerous. And Justine dear, if you are reading this, here is a quote from Harlan Ellison; “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant''.
On a lighter note, I think there are different levels of ignorance, no? what's your take on this then?;
LOL seriously I think I died after I saw this picture. Condiments, Continents, Countries, oh boy, I am actually confused...
Friday, 20 December 2013
Angela Simmons in Nigeria!, are we spending wisely?
Angela Simmons arrived in Lagos yesterday to host the Music Meets Runway show that will be taking place tomorrow at Eko Hotel in Victoria Island.
Kim Kardashian was allegedly paid millions of dollars recently when she came to Nigeria to attend Darey's 'Love Like a Movie' concert and even then, it was reported that her appearance only lasted for about a few seconds. Was it really worth it?
Similarly, Angela Simmons coming to Nigeria has received a lot of negative criticism and backlash because many people seem to think its an absolute waste of funds and a clear case of misplaced priorities. She would probably be paid millions (in dollars of course) and then return to her country soon after that.
So, I'm going to throw this out there, in a country where over 70% of the population live below the poverty line of $1 a day (ridiculous right?) and where basic things like electricity and good roads are not quite 'basic', should this really be our priority and focus right now? bringing reality TV stars to host/sit down at our home shows and thereafter compensating them with s**t loads of millions? Seriously, I don't even know how to feel about this...
Anyway, on a lighter note, Angela Simmons has got lovely skin...
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Beyonce reveals why she featured Nigerian Writer Chimamanda Adichie on her new album
It's no news now that on one of her tracks (''Flawless''), Beyoncé features award-winning Nigerian Writer, Chimamanda Adichie. In an interview with the UK Mirror, Beyoncé said ''I was going through videos on feminity on Youtube, when I came across this video of this incredible Nigerian Author, Chimamanda Adichie. Everything she said is exactly how I feel. My message in this album was finding the beauty in imperfection''.
I think Chimamanda's words have a lot of depth and I believe many women around the world can actually relate;
We teach girls to shrink themselves
To make themselves smaller
We say to girls
'You can have ambition
But not too much
You should aim to be successful
But not too successful
Otherwise you will threaten the man'
Because I am female
I am expected to aspire to marriage
I am expected to make my life choices
Always keeping in mind that
Marriage is the most important
Now marriage can be a source of
Joy and love and mutual support
But why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage
And we don't teach boys the same?
We raise girls to see each other as competitors
Not for jobs or for accomplishments
Which I think can be a good thing
But for the attention of men
We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings
In the way that boys are
Feminist: a person who believes in the social
Political, and economic equality of the sexes
Mind-blowing stuff if you ask me. She makes some valid points there. Ironically, on this same track, Beyoncé also says ''Bow down b***hes'' a couple of times throughout the song and some people have criticized and bashed her for this, saying its anti-feminist and all. Oh well, as for me, King Bey, you can do no wrong in my eyes!
My mood...quote of the day and a few words...#friendships
I've always been a big fan of Tia and Tamera right from their ''Sister Sister'' days so of course its only natural that I would be following them on Instagram. Anyway Tia put this up earlier today and it got me thinking; as we get older, do we really sort of grow out of certain kinds of friendships?
I think for me, that would be a ''yes''. Right from time I've never really believed that I needed to have many friends to get on/ahead in life. Yes granted, one shouldn't be an island but I believe that when you have even just a handful of genuinely real and true friends then all is well really. Family is very important too. Family should come first. Well, most times.
But truth is as I've grown over the past few years, I absolutely can relate to what Tia's saying here; surprisingly, I find that I just haven't got the energy (physical and emotional) for pointless, draining and meaningless friendships. I believe there are two kinds of friends in this life, there are the friends who drain you (physically and emotionally) and the ones who add value to your life in different ways. So as I have found, I tend to cut off the former and it has helped in many ways. Less stress. Less drama.
Strangely enough, I seem to have taken that same attitude and applied it to my dating life. These days I just don't have the energy or time for meaningless interactions or even chasing after a man. Its strange because I could actually really like someone but the moment he leaves it up to me to do the chasing, I just suddenly switch off and I am totally put off. It's like a reflex action. Generally, I cannot tolerate sloppy lazy ass men. I mean, like now for instance, there are guys on the queue (potential boyfriends) that I could actually have meaningful relationships with but I just find that I am usually more drawn to the ones who actually put in the effort. Is that a good or bad thing? Well, in my mind, it sort of gives me an insight into how they may behave in the future and it also says a lot about their attitudes to life in general.
So hey, know who your real friends are. Eliminate the drains. Keep the revivers.
Joke of the day...Kevin Hart...LMAO!
These Kevin Hart pictures are hilarious and always crack me up! For me it's more about the expression on his face omg, lol. I''ve seen quite a few and he's got the same darn expression every time! I saw this one on instagram yesterday and thought to share. hahaha!
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Oh dear, my Khloe & my ''Lam Lam''...marriage...
It's been in the news for some time now and frankly I have been in denial because I absolutely refuse to believe its true. They were like my second favourite celebrity couple (after Bey and Jay of course, hehe) and I was totally hooked on their reality TV show. I mean, these two seemed so very in love and perfect for each other and I always told myself that theirs would last because it was blatantly meant to be. Yeh yeh yeh they met and got married real quick but it honestly did seem like it was going to last. I just absolutely loved their love.
Fast forward 4 years later and Khloe files for divorce citing ''irreconcilable differences'' as the reason. I just don't get it, how could two people who were so smitten and deeply in love with each other all of a sudden have so much hate and bitterness towards each other? Couldn't these two have been patient and worked their issues out? Was it so bad that they could not even for a second take time out to consider the vows they took on their wedding day; ''for better for worse'' and ''till death do us part''? What happens to all of that?
What is it about marriages these days that makes it so difficult for couples to learn endurance and tolerance? Why do we have 50% of marriages ending in divorce? It just really breaks my heart but most of all, it scares me to bits. How would I know if I am making a mistake when it comes to my choice of a partner? Is there only just 1 person out there for me? Should I believe in the concept of ''soulmates''? With over 7 billion people in the world, is there really only just 1 person for me? Isn't it a bit unrealistic to think so?
Wikipedia defines a soulmate as ''a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality or compatibility and trust''. This definition seems a bit broad and from my own understanding, it seems like a soulmate could be anybody really and perhaps even just a mere friend. No?
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
My mood...and then today's devotional...
Today I was feeling a bit down, alone and just generally not too cheery. Sometimes even with all the friends and family, one could still feel alone and start to think all sorts. It's so easy to lose focus of the more important things and begin to dwell on the minor stuff. This shouldn't be the case. So in the process of my usual overthinking and overanalysing, my phone beeps and I get my daily Word-For-Today devotional to which I subscribed. So to others who might be feeling the same way, I thought I'd share the word for today 17th of December, it goes thus;
''I am like...a sparrow alone on the housetop.' Psalm 102:6-7 NKJV |
A sparrow. The Psalmist wrote, 'I am like...a sparrow alone on the housetop.' Has your nest been torn apart by a storm? Have you lost your mate? Jesus can relate. His disciples didn't 'get Him'. They argued over who would be the greatest. They failed to pray with Him in His most difficult moments. On the cross He cried out, 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' (Matthew 27:46 NKJV) We smile at the story of the single lady who hung a pair of trousers on her bedpost, then sent God a letter: 'Father in Heaven, help me if you can. I've hung a pair of trousers here, please fill them with a man.' Seriously, loneliness can be devastating to your self-worth. Young people wonder if they will ever find the right person to marry. Older people fear ending life all alone. The God Who knew that Adam was incomplete not only created Eve for him, but actually introduced them and brought them together. And He can do the same for you. If you are widowed, divorced, or never married and want to find a mate, don't be anxious. God says, 'I know...where you dwell...' (Revelation 2:13 NKJV) God knows your name, your address, and every detail about you. And better yet, He cares! And one more thought: sometimes loneliness is not the absence of affection but the absence of direction; not the absence of people but the absence of purpose. So begin to reach out to others. Find a need no one is meeting, pour your life into it and watch how things begin to improve for you.
This is true. Loneliness can be an extremely terrible thing/feeling. But we need to SNAP out of it. Have we forgotten the child of Whom we are? Have we forgotten The One who created Heaven and Earth? This is God we are talking about here! He is The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End. He sees the end before we can even think or imagine it. This is my favourite part of the message ;''The God Who knew that Adam was incomplete not only created Eve for him, but actually introduced them and brought them together. And He can do the same for you''. He did that for Adam so how much more you to whom He sent His only Son Jesus Christ? This God never sleeps and He never slumbers. I pray this has in some way touched someone out there because it certainly stirred something up in me. God bless.
SPOTTED!, Kelly Rowland out shopping with Beyonce's mum, Tina Knowles
(Pictures;Daily Mail)
These two were spotted recently, shopping for furniture. I love the fact that they are still so very close. Mama Knowles is still as stylish as ever and I'm totally loving Kelly's denim jumpsuit. Swag!
Picture of the day...NORTH WEST!
A few hours ago, Kim Kardashian uploaded this adorable picture of her daughter, North West. The moment I saw this picture, my heart melted instantly!
My goodness, such perfect brows and lashes. She's extremely adorable so I'm not surprised the picture already has over a million ''likes''. Awww, bless...
Monday, 16 December 2013
Today, I remember a Legend, Bob Marley...
Bob Marley (February 6, 1945-May 11, 1981)
“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”
South Africa unveils gigantic statue of Nelson Mandela
Just a few hours ago, a gigantic 9 metre bronze statue of Nelson Mandela was unveiled outside the Union Buildings in Pretoria, South Africa. The Union Buildings is the place where Former President Nelson Mandela delivered his inaugural speech in 1994.
Nelson Mandela was finally laid to rest yesterday at his ancestral home in the village of Qunu, South Africa.
Rest in Peace Madiba! We will surely miss you.
Drunk on Beyonce...Please.Bow.Down!!!
I talked about King Bey's album release last week and of course, trust me to binge on that all weekend. All I can say is WOW!
It's a 14-song visual album and this chic keeps blowing my mind. I mean, typically when you do such a mind-blowing crazy amazing thing like erm, release a 14-song visual album, at least give us the heads up yeh? Instead, what does she do? She goes ahead and uploads pictures of Cupcakes and Cookies on Instagram, yes CUPCAKES and COOKIES! She does it like ''hey its nothing''. One word...BOSS!!!
Beyoncé also shows us her creepy side with the track ''Haunted''. Again, loving the beats but all I can say is don't listen to this song at 2am in the morning.
And of course the much talked about track ''Blue'' in which she features her adorable daughter Blue Ivy. The song is sweet and almost sounds like a cool lullaby at the beginning and just makes you all dreamy and stuff and then it gets better towards the end where her daughter says a few words and says ''Beyonce'' in the most beautiful way. With this track, you can almost just picture in your mind, the strong mother-daughter bond. Beautiful.
Hmmm, Beyoncé gets all bad ass and steamy in the track ''Partition'' where she tells JayZ to ''take all of me'' and there's a whole lot of x-rated stuff on this one. I'm not going to say much but just get to listen to it yourself. I have a pretty good idea it was her alter-ego Sasha Fierce on this one.
And finally, there's the track ''Flawless'' that's got us Nigerians talking because on it, Beyoncé features the famous Nigerian writer Chimamanda Adichie. It's got a bit of feminist undertones and in this track, King Bey tells us to ''Bow down b***hes*. And rightfully so Bey, rightfully so!
So there you have it guys. I've only touched on 5 of the songs and there's a whole lot more so run along now and download 'em. The album is phenomenal and it almost gets you asking ''Could she be human?''. In the meantime, I'll keep being drunk on King Bey...
Friday, 13 December 2013
Beyonce does something S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R; releases self-titled album with 17 new music videos!!!
Okay guys, just got some amazing news. The Queen herself or King Bey as I like to call her has just released an album with...yes wait for it...17 new music videos! I mean this is something that's unheard of in ''music land''. It is already available exclusively on iTunes. So hey, what are you waiting for?
Inside scoop; one of the songs titled ''Blue'' features her adorable daughter, Blue Ivy.
Words cannot express how much I love this woman.
Bring on the weekend hey!
Quote of the day...Thank God its Friday, happy friday y'all!
I always preach this; it's all about knowing your worth and valuing yourself. Nothing and no one can do that for you. In this case, self-help is key.
FRIDAY THE 13TH...what about it really???
So what exactly is it about Friday the 13th that gets some people so worked up? Historically, Friday was considered an unlucky day and the number ''13'' was considered an unlucky number and ever since, it just basically stuck.
Apparently there was this Rossini guy who took the whole Friday the 13th thing seriously i.e considered it an unlucky day and ironically he actually died on a Friday 13th. Truly, death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21)
There are a million and one theories on Friday the 13th. As far as am concerned, its just theories and nothing concrete. What baffles me is how modern day society seems to have taken it seriously. There is even a name for the fear of Friday the 13th. It is known as ''friggatriskaidekaphobia''. Lol, wait what? Furthermore, studies have shown that about 21 million people in the United States are affected by the fear of Friday the 13th to the extent that it affects their normal everyday life, wow! Generally speaking, people are known to be more careful on Friday the 13th.
Well I woke up this morning thinking ''OMG its Friday the 13th, I had better drive carefully or just not go to work at all today'' . See how so very easy it is to fall into that trap? Instead, I said a quick prayer and snapped myself out of it. I am covered with the precious Blood of The Lamb.
So guys, let's not get too carried away with such things. It's all just folklore, myths and things along those lines. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah...
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