Monday, 9 December 2013

Quote of the day (From Heather Lindsey)

''I've dated the world's way & I kept coming up empty. Then, I gave up & really gave my heart to Christ. Then, in time - I courted God's way & then married God's way. If you're miserable single, a ring on your finger & a wedding dress wont change that. Being content is a mind set, not an event''. - Heather Lindsey

Could she have said it any better really? I love this woman a great deal because she tells it as it is and uses real life examples; herself, her life etc. She isn't a saint or anything and she's not claiming to be one and in actual fact, she did live quite a carefree life back in the day but she found Christ and she got saved.

Marriage shouldn't be a do or die affair or something to be attained 'at all cost'. Consent needs to be sought from God because He Himself created the institution of marriage. Doing things the ''worldly'' way would only leave you coming up empty, each and every single time.  At some point and eventually, you need to quit, breathe and then start again, God's way.


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