Monday 2 December 2013

A few words from Heather Lindsey

Heather Lindsey is one blogger/writer that truly inspires me. She is also the Founder of The Pinky Promise, an organisation that promotes honouring God with your life and body whether single or married. You can read more from her over here;

In case you didn't get that, she says;

''Your husband should change more than your last name. The Bible says in Ephesians 5 that he should present you without spot or wrinkle & wash you with the water of the Word. So, step 1: Does your boyfriend know the Bible? Can he teach you? How can he wash you with something he doesn't understand? That man should go into your heart & change the hurt & bitterness from your past & be a part of your healing. He should change a negative outlook on 'men'. He should change an entire generation of your seed because he's such an amazing Father. So, before the ring.. what is he changing? The proof should be in the pudding before ''I do''. - @HEATHERLLOVE ''


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