Today I was feeling a bit down, alone and just generally not too cheery. Sometimes even with all the friends and family, one could still feel alone and start to think all sorts. It's so easy to lose focus of the more important things and begin to dwell on the minor stuff. This shouldn't be the case. So in the process of my usual overthinking and overanalysing, my phone beeps and I get my daily Word-For-Today devotional to which I subscribed. So to others who might be feeling the same way, I thought I'd share the word for today 17th of December, it goes thus;
''I am like...a sparrow alone on the housetop.' Psalm 102:6-7 NKJV |
A sparrow. The Psalmist wrote, 'I am like...a sparrow alone on the housetop.' Has your nest been torn apart by a storm? Have you lost your mate? Jesus can relate. His disciples didn't 'get Him'. They argued over who would be the greatest. They failed to pray with Him in His most difficult moments. On the cross He cried out, 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' (Matthew 27:46 NKJV) We smile at the story of the single lady who hung a pair of trousers on her bedpost, then sent God a letter: 'Father in Heaven, help me if you can. I've hung a pair of trousers here, please fill them with a man.' Seriously, loneliness can be devastating to your self-worth. Young people wonder if they will ever find the right person to marry. Older people fear ending life all alone. The God Who knew that Adam was incomplete not only created Eve for him, but actually introduced them and brought them together. And He can do the same for you. If you are widowed, divorced, or never married and want to find a mate, don't be anxious. God says, 'I know...where you dwell...' (Revelation 2:13 NKJV) God knows your name, your address, and every detail about you. And better yet, He cares! And one more thought: sometimes loneliness is not the absence of affection but the absence of direction; not the absence of people but the absence of purpose. So begin to reach out to others. Find a need no one is meeting, pour your life into it and watch how things begin to improve for you.
This is true. Loneliness can be an extremely terrible thing/feeling. But we need to SNAP out of it. Have we forgotten the child of Whom we are? Have we forgotten The One who created Heaven and Earth? This is God we are talking about here! He is The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End. He sees the end before we can even think or imagine it. This is my favourite part of the message ;''The God Who knew that Adam was incomplete not only created Eve for him, but actually introduced them and brought them together. And He can do the same for you''. He did that for Adam so how much more you to whom He sent His only Son Jesus Christ? This God never sleeps and He never slumbers. I pray this has in some way touched someone out there because it certainly stirred something up in me. God bless.
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